The case
A traditional family-run farm in Norway needs a dryer to dry 330 tons of own-produced wheat in order to independently manage the phases of: * drying / * storage / * sale of the beans at the most favorable moment. The moisture content of the beans at the time of harvest usually varies from 19 to 30% depending on the weather conditions. This humidity level must be reduced to values around 14-15% to obtain a minimum deduction at the time of delivery. The choice fell on the FSN15 dryer because it has the same capacity as the customer’s wagon, so it allows you to better manage the company’s internal batch logistics. In increasingly unpredictable seasons, the dryer gives the security and planning foresight that farmers struggle to have. The dryer allows you to dry and clean the product, ensuring its storage for sale at the best time.
Drying of wheat, barley and oats
All cereals must be dried to favor a reduction in the moisture content, so as to preserve the grain in an optimal state and prevent fermentation processes from deteriorating the product, while maintaining a high level of quality.
To obtain the best results in terms of drying, it is always recommended to proceed with the drying operation of the grain only if the moisture levels of the grains do not exceed 30%. In particular, the drying air temperature must be calibrated according to the grain destination function. For beans processed and stored for subsequent sale, the air temperature inside the dryer is typically between 90 and 110 °C. If the grains are dried for fermentation purposes, it is important to keep the level of germination high so in such cases it is better not to exceed the temperature of 60 °C.
The solution
After a productivity assessment, the MECMAR FSN 15 / 138T Dual Drive mobile dryer equipped with a diesel burner and heat exchanger, was identified as the model that best meets the customer’s needs because it is not bulky and easily transportable.
The freshly harvested grain is introduced into the dryer with a humidity level of 25%. This level can be reduced to 15% in just four hours. In this way, up to 75 tons of cereal can be dried per day.
Once the beans are dried to the right point, the machine automatically passes to the cooling phase of the same. Very appreciated is the fact that the dryer autonomously recognizes when to end the drying phase, start and end the cooling phase.
The reinforced frame, the wide wheels, the more powerful combustion chamber than other models of similar displacement but of a lower series are the features of the system that the customer has most appreciated.
Figure 2: Dryer mod. SSI 28/230 T2 with heat exchanger: A in working position, B in transport position.
The heat exchanger with a heating capacity of 500,000 kCal is capable of drying any type of grain. It does not limit the operating temperatures of the burner and, with an efficiency of between 85 and 95%, it is the ideal solution for the treatment of products intended for human consumption. The exchanger, in fact, allows the grain to be dried without the combustion products coming into contact with the grain.
In this case, the customer preferred the Dual Drive solution, in which the dryer can be operated by tractor or electric motor, in order to have maximum flexibility of positioning now and in the future, depending on the availability and cost of the electricity.
At the time of purchase, the customer did not have a defined location, so he appreciated the possibility of defining the position of the dryer over time, to progressively update the warehouse and possibly move the dryer, which he could not have done if had opted for a fixed dryer.
In addition to this, the fact that it is mobile will allow it to expand in the future, thus opting for a larger dryer and selling its as used to another colleague.
Among the options chosen by the customer we have the canopy and the dust extractor that allow you to protect the product during drying in the event of rain, clean the grain from dust and keep the surrounding environment clean.
Published data refer to corn and are calculated with mathematical models that use clean and ripe products and in normal operating conditions with 120°C drying air temperature and one hour cool-down time. Please do not hesitate to contact the nearest Mecmar dealer for more information.
Under our policy of continuous improvement, we reserve the right to change specifications provided without prior notice.